Harness the Wonder of AI

to Transform Your Website into an Interactive Experience

Maibot makes it easy to have your own personal AI bot — that lives on your website, knows what you know, and responds in your voice — so your audience gets access to you… without you needing to be there.

*And a simple, one-time set-up fee.

Welcome to the future

In the digital age, engagement is key. Your audience expects not just to find information, but to discover it through an experience that is both interactive and personalized.

Maibot is your personal AI, designed to revolutionize the way your website interacts with visitors.

You May Be Wondering….

Why Maibot?

Maibot isn’t just another AI. It’s a leap into the future of website interaction, offering a unique blend of simplicity, affordability, and deep personalization that stands out in a crowded marketplace.
Here’s why Maibot is the game-changer you’ve been waiting for:

Personalized to YOUR Content:

Maibot is trained specifically on your own content — your blog, podcast, book, etc. It knows your site inside and out, ensuring that your audience can always find exactly what they’re looking for.

Integrated into YOUR website

Don’t send your visitors away from your website. With Maibot’s custom WordPress Plugin, you can seamlessly embed your bot into your own website with just a few clicks. — enhancing the user experience without disrupting your design.

Dialed in to YOUR Specifications

Want to limit the length of responses? Point your audience to a specific product or resource? Custom algorithms allow us tailor your Maibot’s interactions based on your preferences and business goals.

Offers a Humanized Interaction

Maibot provides a dynamic, interactive experience that feels more human. Engage your visitors with conversational AI that’s always learning, always improving.

Watch it in action

Try It For Yourself


Join the AI Revolution

Imagine a website that not only provides information but does so through an engaging, conversational interface that feels alive. That’s the power of Maibot. Whether you’ve got a blog, an e-commerce site, or a portfolio, Maibot is your partner in creating a dynamic, interactive web presence that captivates and retains your audience.

"Maibot was able to train and deliver my own personal chatbot in just a few days . I integrated it into my website in under a half hour. It is obvious to me that the era of the bot has arrived and it will replace the old way of the websites. It is dynamic and keeps learning as new content is added — and now I must be going."

— Captain Jeffrey T. Spaulding

“Maibot allows us to support aspiring entrepreneurs.”

We love entrepreneurs and want to support them. Our personal chatbot, unicornhunter.ai, was developed by Maibot and allows entrepreneurs to ask questions and get good advice for free. The answers come from the more than 500 columns and books that we have written.

—Barbara Bry, COO at Blackbird Ventures and Unicorn Hunter

“Maibot is an essential component for any brand looking to make a real impact online.”

It’s important to our business to stay ahead of the curve and offer our clients innovative solutions that not only set them apart but also add significant value to their digital presence. That’s why I’m genuinely excited about introducing Maibot to our suite of tools — it’s a game-changer for any website, transforming passive content into dynamic, interactive experiences that truly engage visitors. 

—Stephanie Veillon, Creative Director at IdeaBuilders Studio

dive into the future of website interaction

You’ve got a lot of content. Let’s make it easier for your audiences to find it.



Simple, Transparent & Accessible

We don’t play pricing games, and you don’t have to call us to find out what Maibot costs.

With a simple one-time setup fee for training your personal AI bot and an easy and accessible monthly or annual payment, anyone can get started with Maibot right away.

Start with a ONE-TIME SET-UP FEE


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